29 September 2008

ACL Festival For Less Than $10

Yes, you read that right. We went to ACL for under ten bucks. Our super-awesome neighbor happened to have two extra 3 day passes and we happened to want to go. Good shit happens. Unfortunately, I had to work all weekend during the day but we were able to see the headliners at night.

Saturday we got to see parts of Beck's set and parts of the Robert Plant / Allison Krauss set. We also scoped out the entire area (huuuuuuuuuge) and got sausage-on-a-stick from Roy's Hawaiian Fusion restaurant. Not much fusion going on but it was tasty sausage nonetheless.

On Sunday we found a sweet spot and plopped down for the main event. The Foo Fighters were the head-headliner and were closing the entire festival. Although they were supposed to be the only ones playing, one of the smaller bands decided to play 20 minutes over their set time. Once they finally wrapped it up, we could hear Dave belt out his hits. They played for a good hour and a half and we started to leave after the first encore. Luckily, we live close enough to walk so we didn't have to deal with the parking or the line for the busses. We could hear the rest of the encores during the walk home and they finished the song where he sings "The best, the best, the best of you" as we ambled up the final hill to our apartment.